Information comes in many formats. How you search for information will depend on what type of information you are looking for. You may know the exact source you need or you may need to find sources about a topic.
An accurate reference (e.g. from a list of readings or references) will help you find that source of information. A reference will always include information about the author, date of publication, and title.
Brotheridge, CM 2013, ‘Explaining bullying: using theory to answer practical questions’, Team performance management, vol. 19, no. 3/4, pp. 185-201,
Mishna, F 2012, Bullying: a guide to research, intervention, and prevention, Oxford University Press, New York.
Bulbeck, T 2001, ‘Bullying the Elderly’, in P McCarthy, J Rylance, R Bennett, & H Zimmermann (eds), Bullying: from backyard to boardroom, 2nd edn, The Federation Press, Sydney.
When you know the book or article, you need to:
When you have an assessment topic:
When you are in the source and need to find specific information: