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Using Discover to find library resources

What is Discover?

Discover is a search tool that allows you to find almost everything in the UniSC Library collection. It includes print and online resources with links to full text. 

Discover searches most but not all resources in the library. Follow the links to search for these resources not available through Discover:

Library catalogue limits your search to print and online books, journal titles, DVDs and other material in the library collection. 

Journal articles limits your search to journal articles, conference papers, books reviews and book chapters. Refine to peer-reviewed journals to locate peer-reviewed articles. 

Discover solves the problem of not knowing where to start. It retrieves material of all different kinds (books, articles, films, ebooks, etc.) on your topic and ranks the results according to relevancy for easy browsing. You can also limit your results in many ways (such as by date, language, subject, or limiting to 'peer-reviewed' journals).

Keep in Mind

Discover searches most but not all things for which the library has access. Some database content may not be included.

In-depth or comprehensive research is better done in subject-specific databases.
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