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How to find a book title

  1. Go to the Library Website
  2. Select the Login to search
  3. Select UniSC Students and Staff (enter username and password if prompted)
  4. In the top search box type the "Title in double quotation marks"
  5. Select Search
  6. Locate the book you need in the results and
    • For eBooks, select Check for availability and access the ebook via the database listed
    • For books, select Available at [Campus library] and take note of the call number to find the item on the shelf

How to find an author

  1. Go to the Library Website
  2. Select the Login to search
  3. Select UniSC Students and Staff (enter username and password if prompted)
  4. Select the Advanced search
  5. Select the Catalogue radio button
  6. Select Author from the first drop down menu
  7. Type author surname followed by first name
  8. Select Search

How to find your course text book

  1. Go to the Library Website
  2. Select the Login to search
  3. Select UniSC Students and Staff (enter username and password if prompted)
  4. In the basic search, enter your Course Code (e.g. nur121)
  5. Select Search

Hint: Some course texts are physically located in the Reserve Collection or 3 Day Loan Collection at your campus library. Some course texts are ebooks and can be accessed from within your Canvas Course.

Do you know the book title?

On the library home page select catalogue from the drop-down menu. In the search box type the title in "double quotation marks" (click arrow for next step)  

Looking for an author?

On the library homepage select Advanced Search

Are you looking for your course text book?

In Discover, search for the course code for a single course.

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