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Cambridge University Press (CUP) eBooks contains over 1300 textbooks with unlimited simultaneous user access. Covering subjects from Law and Social Sciences to Engineering and Life Sciences, this collection suits a variety of courses. The advantages of this CUP collection for academics include edition management to support individual courses and/or coordinator preferences, plus lecturer resources for most titles.
Instructions: You can read textbooks online without the need to register. To benefit from reading offline, printing, copying, or to save a few titles in a list, you will need register a profile inside our subscription.
Alternative name ProQuest One Education
A comprehensive teaching, learning, and research destination of abstract and full text scholarly journals, videos, dissertations, reference work, grey literature, popular news sources, and more for the discipline of education.

Sage Knowledge Video: Social Work is a contemporary, online video collection of practitioners demonstrating skills in case studies involving various client groups. It also includes interviews of experts discussing concepts and tutorials.

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