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UniSC Research Bank

Common questions about UniSC Research Bank

Researcher Profile FAQs

Q. Who can have a researcher profile in Research Bank?

Any current staff (professional and academic, including adjuncts and casual academics) and HDR students are eligible for a profile provided that they have outputs already listed in Research Bank.

Staff and students with a profile will be required to complete a minimum metadata standard in their profile (e.g. photo, keywords and biography).

See here for more details.

Q. How do I create a researcher profile in Research Bank?

All current UniSC staff and HDR students with research outputs should be able to access their researcher profile. 

See here for guidance on creating your researcher profile.

Q. How do I update my details on my researcher profile?

If you already have a researcher profile published, you can edit any details by clicking the Edit icon above your image. To exit out of edit-mode, click on the drop-down icon in the top right corner and click on Your Profile.

Currently researchers can update all fields except those that come from People & Culture (e.g. emails, affiliations).

See here for guidance on entering information.

Q. How do I choose selected research outputs to be highlighted on my researcher profile overview page?

When viewing your research outputs on your profile in edit mode, you can click on the star located to the right of the title to highlight an output. When you highlight an output or outputs, they are added to an automatically created Highlights category on the researcher profile, giving them more publicity and bringing attention to a particular set of outputs.

Q. What happens to my research profile when I leave UniSC?

When you leave UniSC, any outputs and other scholarly activity already listed in Research Bank will be retained and any new outputs without a UniSC affiliation will not be added. Your researcher profile will also be removed from public view.

Q. Why is my teaching data (course coordinators and lecturers) not in my researcher profile?

Teaching data is not automatically populated as there is no source-of-truth for course coordination at UniSC, and the course lecturer data that exists has not been made available for public use or is not of a standard that can be relied upon.

Output FAQs

Q. What sort of research outputs can be included in Research Bank?

A wide variety of outputs can be included in Research Bank. See the complete list here.  If you have something that doesn't quite fit the output definitions but you would like to include in your output listing, please contact the Research Repository Team with the details and we can advise if it can be included.

Q. Who can submit research outputs into Research Bank?

UniSC staff (including visiting and adjunct academic staff) and students.

You can also authorise your research assistant or school administration staff to deposit research outputs on your behalf by adding them as a proxy. This is done by logging into your Researcher Profile > Settings > Researcher proxies > Add Proxy. You can then search for the name of the staff member (via email address) you wish to deposit outputs on your behalf. You can remove proxies at any time from this page.

Q. How can I allow my research assistant or school administration staff to deposit research outputs on my behalf?

You can authorise your research assistant or school administration staff to deposit research outputs on your behalf by adding them as a proxy. This is done by logging into your Researcher Profile > Settings > Researcher proxies > Add Proxy. You can then search for the name of the staff member (via email address) you wish to deposit outputs on your behalf. You can remove proxies at any time from this page.

Q. What format should I submit my research outputs in?

In order to facilitate the preservation of your research, we prefer to receive research outputs in PDF format with no password protection.

Q. Can I add research outputs that I authored at a previous institution to Research Bank?

Yes, you can submit outputs authored prior to your employment at UniSC. If you have a researcher profile, you can submit any outputs authored at a previous institution via the Deposit Output button (check here for instructions). If you do not have a researcher profile, email the outputs you wish to deposit to the Research Repository Team.

Q. Can my school or research centre submit a series of Working Papers or similar to be included in Research Bank?

Yes, in most cases they can. We can set up a separate collection in the Research Bank for a publication series. Please contact the Research Repository Team for further details.

Q. Can I deposit the research data behind my publication?

Yes, you can certainly deposit the datasets associated with your outputs. This also allows information about your dataset to be shared on Research Data Australia, which can expand the scale and impact of your research and increase future collaborations. If your dataset is not published elsewhere and is available as open access, we can also create a DOI to allow easy citation tracking of the use of your dataset.

Data can be deposited via the Researcher Profile, or by contacting the Research Repository Team

Q. How do I edit research output details listed on my researcher profile?

Changes or corrections to some metadata fields are able to be submitted from your researcher profile. Once logged in, click the three dots next to the output > Edit. You can then select which fields you wish to edit and submit the changes. The Library will then action these for you.

Any other research output corrections or edits you need to make should be submitted to the Research Repository Team via the messaging feature against the output that requires corrections.

Q. How can I make more of my work in Research Bank openly available as open access?

The Library’s Research Repository Team would love to work with you to get as many outputs as permitted available as open access.

To start the process, please send the Author Accepted Version of your articles to The Author Accepted Version, sometimes called the postprint, is the final draft version after peer review and before typesetting and formatting by the publisher. The reason why we ask for this version is that the majority of publishers will allow only this version to be open access in an online repository.

Once we receive the Author Accepted Version, we can verify the publisher or copyright owner’s open access policy before making it open access.

If you believe your final published version of your article can be made open access and it isn’t yet, please let us know and we can do so for you.

For more information on open access at UniSC, see the Library’s Open Access Guide.

Q. I believe Research Bank includes material that violates my copyright. What can I do?

If you believe copyright work that is available on this site constitutes copyright infringement or a breach of an agreed licence or contract please notify the UniSC Copyright and Open Scholarship Officer using the Report an Infringement Form.

Q. What is the Author Deposit Agreement for Research Bank?

By signing the Author Deposit Agreement, you agree that you understand that details of your publications will be available on the web to be searched by anyone using the Internet, and where permitted by the copyright holder, the research output will be made available for viewing and downloading at no cost. The Author Deposit Agreement does not transfer copyright ownership. Copyright will continue to be retained either by the author/s or the publisher. Further information can be found here.

Grant FAQs

Q. Why do some of my grants not show in my researcher profile?

Only grants that are recorded in ResearchMaster and meet specific criteria are automatically included in your researcher profile. Criteria includes:

  • research related;
  • not confidential;
  • have an approved date in ResearchMaster;
  • have a grant status of approved, closed, project commenced or project completed in Research Master.

Data from other organisations, such as previous employment, and other sources like internal teaching grants, were not included due to access or data confidence issues. 

Researchers are able to add missing grants. See here for further information.

Note that grant information that is self-deposited will not be sent to other UniSC systems, for example MyResearch.


Supervision FAQs

Q. Why do current supervisions not show in my researcher profile?

Due to the changing nature of student enrolment status, titles, and supervisory roles, only completed supervisions are added automatically upon deposit of the thesis by the student to the Research Bank.

Researchers can request to have current supervisions added to their profile, however you will also need to request changes to the supervision record if any occur.

See here for further information.

Q. Why do undergraduate supervisions not show in my researcher profile?

Only completed HDR supervisions are automatically added to researcher profiles. 

Researchers can request to have completed undergraduate supervisions added to their profile.

See here for further information.

Q. Can external supervision be shown in my researcher profile?

External completed supervision can be added to your researcher profile provided that the thesis is available at the institution's library or institutional repository.

See here for further information.

Q. How do I indicate that I am available for supervision?

To allow students to find you for supervision, simply email confirming your approval to supervise students (HDR and/or honours). 

Students will then be able to find you when they select the available options in the Engagement Type filter on the Researcher Profile page in Research Bank.


Media FAQs

Q. Why are media mentions not automatically pre-populated in my researcher profile?

The UniSC News site does not contain data in a structured format that allows for automatic population of researcher-tagged media stories. The Research Repository Team will continue to bring across UniSC News media articles each month, and are working on adding older entries.

Researchers are able to add missing media articles, from UniSC News or other outlets. See here for further information.


Theses FAQs

Q. I'm a UniSC student. How do I submit my thesis to the Research Bank?

Yes, current UniSC students can submit their finalised thesis to the Research Bank via the secure form:

Q. Can I submit my thesis completed at another institution to the Research Bank?

Yes, current UniSC staff can submit their theses from other institutions to be listed alongside their research outputs in the Research Bank. Please send the details along with a PDF copy of your thesis to the Research Repository Team and we will add it for you.

Q. How can I see a list of all UniSC Theses in the UniSC Research Bank?

All UniSC theses can be viewed here.

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