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UniSC Research Bank

Research output types

The following types of research outputs can be included in the UniSC Research Bank.

If you have an output that doesn't meet any of these definitions, email it to for advice on eligibility for inclusion.

  • Conference paper
  • Conference poster
  • Conference presentation
  • Poster
  • Presentation
  • Abstract
  • Annotation
  • Book
  • Book chapter
  • Conference proceedings
  • Edited book
  • Editorial
  • Encyclopedia entry
  • Journal article
  • Journal issue
  • Letter/Communication
  • Magazine article
  • Newsletter article
  • Newspaper article
  • Report
  • Review
Creative Works
  • Choreography
  • Dance
  • Design and architecture
  • Essay
  • Exhibition catalogue
  • Fiction (novel, short story)
  • Film
  • Musical composition
  • Musical performance
  • Musical score
  • New media
  • Non-fiction
  • Other creative works
  • Painting
  • Poetry
  • Script
  • Sculpture
  • Set design
  • Theatre
  • Datasets
  • Other
  • Map
  • HDR theses
  • Graduate theses
  • Honours theses
Interactive Resources
  • Blog
  • Podcasts
  • Virtual reality environment
  • Webinar
  • Website
Posted Content
  • Preprint
  • Working paper
  • Patent
Teaching and Learning
  • Assignment/exercise
  • Course workbook
  • Flashcards
  • Lecture
  • Lecture outline
  • Online course module
  • Study guide
  • Syllabus
  • Teaching activity
  • Teaching case study
  • Teaching manual/handbook
  • Test/quiz question bank
  • Textbook
  • Tutorial
  • Video teaching demonstration
  • Other learning objects

Output Type Definitions

Note: Definitions of research outputs for internal and external reporting can be found here.

Output Type Definition

CONFERENCE/EVENT: Conference Paper

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A conference paper that is submitted to an academic conference and presented to the audience. It may or may not have been published in available proceedings (not in scholarly journals).

CONFERENCE/EVENT: Conference Poster

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Posters are displayed in a conference setting and convey research highlights in an efficient manner by compelling graphics.  They may be peer-reviewed prior to the acceptance and published in the proceedings.

CONFERENCE/EVENT: Conference Presentation

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Conference item not meeting the criteria for a Conference Paper, Conference Poster, or published Abstract.  May include presentations, keynotes, and workshops.

CONFERENCE/EVENT: Conference Program Program of a conference where the researcher created the program.


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Poster, not presented at a conference. May include infographics or posters advertising an event.


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Presentation, not presented at a conference.  May include seminar presentations.

CREATIVE WORKS: Choreography

The art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies (or their depiction) in which motion or form of both are specified.


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Works include dance performances by recognised leading practitioners (e.g. actor, musician, dancer, director, dramaturge, choreographer, designer, conductor or other creative artists). Includes solo performances, and significant contributions to performances made by a group or a number of individuals.

CREATIVE WORKS: Design and Architecture

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Works include architecture and design (built or unbuilt). This may include new techniques of conceptualisation, design, fabrication, compositional processes, or new relationships to programs of social utility.

CREATIVE WORKS: Drama A work intended for the stage.


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Short literary prose composition, usually dealing with a single theme and from the writer's personal point of view.

CREATIVE WORKS: Exhibition Catalogue

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A catalogue of an exhibition in a museum or gallery.

CREATIVE WORKS: Fiction (novel, short story)

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Work consisting of creative writing, not presented as factual.



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A single media or multi-media production that is fixed on film, digital medium, videotape, computer disc, laser disc, or similar delivery medium.

CREATIVE WORKS: Musical Composition

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Musical composition can refer to an original piece of music, the structure of a musical piece, or the process of creating a new piece of music.

CREATIVE WORKS: Musical Performance

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Works including musical performances by recognised leading practitioners (e.g. actor, musician, dancer, director, dramaturge, choreographer, designer, conductor, or another creative artist). Includes solo performances, and significant contributions to performances made by a group or a number of individuals.


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A written form of musical composition.


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New media are forms of media that are computational and rely on computers for redistribution. Some examples of new media are computer animations, computer games, human-computer interfaces, interactive computer installations, websites, and virtual worlds.


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Outputs that convey information about the real world, rather than being grounded in imagination.

CREATIVE WORKS: Other Creative Works

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Other creative works, not mentioned here, include:

  • Photography
  • Installation
  • Curated Exhibition/Curated Festivals
  • Exhibition Ephemera
  • Cover Designs
  • Digital Art


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An output of painting which is the practice of applying paint, pigment, colour or other medium to a solid surface.


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Works that consist of literary and oral genres expressing meaning via symbolism and following formal or informal patterns.


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A written version of a play or other dramatic composition.


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An artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-dimensional art objects.


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The creation of the physical space in which the action of a performed event takes place.


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Works including theatre and other dramatic performances by recognised leading practitioners (e.g. actor, musician, dancer, director, dramaturge, choreographer, designer, conductor, or another creative artist). Includes solo performances, and significant contributions to performances made by a group or a number of individuals.

DATASETS: Datasets


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Research datasets are the recorded factual material commonly accepted in the research community as necessary to validate research findings.  It relates to data generated, collected, or used, during research projects, and in some cases may include the research output itself.


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A piece of writing or another item of content published on a blog, which is a website that contains conversational personal reflections, comments and sometimes links to other sites and is typically run by an individual or small group.


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A digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically

INTERACTIVE RESOURCES: Virtual Reality Environment An artificial environment which is experienced through sensory stimuli provided by a computer.


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Content from the transmission of live or pre-recorded audio or video via connection or download from the Internet. Can be a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar.


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A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a uniform resource locator (URL).


Defined as a representation normally to scale and on a flat medium, of a selection of material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the surface of the earth or of another celestial body.

MORE: Model An abstract, conceptual, graphical, mathematical or visualisation model that represents empirical objects, phenomena, or physical processes.

MORE: Other

Other types, not included here, include:

  • Project Summary
  • Unpublished works
  • Interactive Multimedia

PATENT: Patent

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This category refers to full patents (or equivalent) on specific products or processes granted for the first time, either in Australia or in an overseas country.


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A preprint is a scientific manuscript without peer-review and has not yet been accepted by a journal. Typically submitted to a preprint server.


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Preliminary versions of articles to provide information or with a request for comments or editorial improvement. This category can also include working papers published as a series by an organisation without having been published as a genuine research publication.


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Texts of a specified length that states the issue to be discussed in a proposed conference presentation. Conference abstracts that have been published in the conference proceedings. The abstract may or may not have been assessed by a formal peer-review process.


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A brief note, usually no longer than two or three sentences, added after a citation in a bibliography to describe or explain the content or message of the work cited or to comment on it.

PUBLICATION: Bibliography A list of books and articles that have been used by someone when writing a particular book or article.


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A non-serial publication that is complete in one volume or a designated finite number of volumes. Books are often identified with an ISBN.


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A defined chapter or section of a book, usually with a separate title or number. Can be scholarly or non-scholarly. Can be a revised edition.

PUBLICATION: Conference Proceedings

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Conference proceedings are the official record of a conference meeting. It is a collection of documents that corresponds to the presentations given at the conference. It may include additional content.

PUBLICATION: Dictionary entry An entry in a dictionary.


This category is used for editors of a book consisting of contributions from a number of authors.



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Work consisting of a statement of the opinions, beliefs, and policy of the editor or publisher of a journal.

PUBLICATION: Encyclopedia Entry

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Authored entries in a reference work or a compendium, usually arranged in alphabetical order, focusing on a particular domain or on all branches of knowledge.

PUBLICATION: Journal Article

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An article on a particular topic and published in a journal issue.

PUBLICATION: Journal Issue

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A journal is a serial publication devoted to disseminating original research and current developments on a subject.

PUBLICATION: Letter/Communication

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Letter is addressed to the editor / editorial office, and comments on or discusses an article published earlier in this periodical, or is of interest to a specific readership.

PUBLICATION: Magazine Article

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Work consisting of an article appearing in a periodical, containing information of current and timely interest in a field, targeted to a specific audience.

PUBLICATION: Newsletter Article

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Newsletters or newsletter sections written in full by the author/s, generally referring to serial publications containing news and information of interest to the general public or to a special group.

PUBLICATION: Newspaper Article

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Work consisting of a news item appearing in a general-interest newspaper or other general news periodical, containing information of current and timely interest in a field.


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A report is a separately published record of research findings, research still in progress, policy developments and events, or other technical findings, usually bearing a report number and sometimes a grant number assigned by the funding agency. Also, an official record of the activities of a committee or corporate entity, the proceedings of a government body, an investigation by an agency, or submission to public inquiries and consultations.


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A written review and critical analysis of the content, scope and quality of a book or other monographic work.

PUBLICATION: Technical documentation Technical documentation refers to any type of documentation that describes handling, functionality and architecture of a technical product or a product under development or use.
PUBLICATION: Translation Translations of books and articles that identify modifications to the original editions, such as a new or revised preface.
SOFTWARE: Code A computer program in source code (text) or compiled form.
SOFTWARE: Workflow A structured series of steps that can be executed to produce a final outcome, allowing users means to specify and enact their work in a more reproducible manner.

Link to Teaching and Learning material

TEACHING AND LEARNING: Assignment/exercise Activity designed to enable students to learn skills and knowledge or to test their learning.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Course workbook A book based on a textbook or course of study, which contains exercises and questions for use by students.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Demonstration A teaching method used to communicate an idea with the aid of visuals such as flip charts, posters, power point, etc.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Flashcards Cards (paper or electronic) containing a small amount of information and used as an aid to learning.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Lecture An educational talk to an audience, especially one of students in a university.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Lecture outline A lesson plan or summary of an educational talk to an audience, especially one of students in a university.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Online course module A component or section of a course curriculum that can be presented fully online and independent from the complete course.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Study guide A book or other learning resource intended to provide aid and support for people studying a particular topic or course.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Syllabus A document or website that outlines all the requirements and expectations for completing a course of study. A Course Outline gives the syllabus for one study module in a larger program such as a university degree.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Teaching activity An activity of educating or instructing that imparts knowledge or skills.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Teaching case study A narrative resource describing a complex interaction of real-life factors to help illustrate the impact and/or interactions of concepts and factors in depth.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Teaching manual/handbook A book or other learning resource intended to provide aid and support for people teaching a particular topic or course.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Test/quiz question bank A set of standardised questions intended to evaluate the knowledge and/or skills of learners.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Textbook A book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Tutorial A group learning activity designed to meet stated learning objectives, structured to impart specific concepts or skills and guided by a teacher or tutor. Feedback on learner performance is an essential component of a tutorial.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Video teaching demonstration A recording of moving visual images that show real people, places and things that enable students to learn skills or knowledge.
TEACHING AND LEARNING: Other learning objects Any learning object not classified in the other categories.

Thesis and dissertations from UniSC or other institutions. May be honours, graduate or doctoral.

Link to Doctoral theses

Link to Undergraduate and Graduate theses

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