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Research skills tutorial

Step 6 Example - Write and cite your research

Your assignment topic is "Chocolate can make you happy. Discuss."

You need to write your response using the information you have found and evaluated to answer your assignment topic. Go to Academic Skills for help with writing and citing.

Writing Style and Format

  • Do you need to write a report or an essay?
  • Do you need to include a table of contents or an Executive Summary?
  • Can you include appendices, graphs, tables and charts?


Make sure you know the limits of your research.

  • Do you know the word limit of your assignment?
  • Have you covered all essential aspects of the topic?
  • Have you stayed within the scope of the assignment question?

Referencing Styles

  • Do you need to use Harvard, Vancouver, AGLC or APA Referencing style?
  • Will you use in-text referencing or footnotes?
  • Do you need to include a Bibliography or a List of References?


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