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Research skills tutorial

Activity 3 - Select appropriate information sources

In Activity 1 you identified the keywords from the assignment question.  Then you created a list of alternate words for each of your keywords.

In Activity 2 you combined your keywords and alternate words with a variety of search tools to create a meaningful search.

Now you need to select appropriate information sources for your different information needs.

Part A

To find background information on cross-cultural communication you will use:

  1. Communication text book
  2. Dictionary
  3. Scholarly journal articles

Part B

To find how many people live in Queensland, where English is not their first language you will use:

  1. Scholarly journal articles
  2. Thesaurus
  3. The Australian Bureau of Statistics

Part C

To understand the meaning of a word you will use:

  1. Dictionary
  2. Thesaurus
  3. Encyclopaedia

 Check your answers


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