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Research skills tutorial

Activity 5 - Evaluate the information you have found

In Activity 1 you identified the keywords from the assignment question.  Then you created a list of alternate words for each of your keywords.

In Activity 2 you combined your keywords and alternate words with a variety of search tools to create a meaningful search.

In Activity 3 you selected appropriate information sources for your different information needs.

In Activity 4 you found some journal articles that discuss specific arguments.

Now you are ready to evaluate the information you've found.


Why should you evaluate the quality of the resources that you will use for your assignments?

  1. to ensure that the information is verifiable
  2. to make sure the author of the source is recognised in that field of research
  3. to ensure the information supports your argument
  4. to ensure that the research used in the source is current or the source was within the correct time period
  5. all of the above
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