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Research skills tutorial

4.3 Using Journal Titles

To find out whether the library holds a particular journal, go to Journal Titles.

There are a number of ways to find an article using this list.

  • Find an exact journal title by using the search facility. This search facility can be used to find:
       - the exact title of a journal
       - journal titles that begin with a particular word
       - keywords in title
       - the ISSN (International Standard Serials Number), which is a unique identification number for the journal.
  • When you have located a journal title through the journals list, you can search for an exact article by using the Search inside feature.

Find a journal article in 6 steps

Segal, MN & Giacobbe, RW 2007, 'Ethical Issues in Australian marketing research services', Services Marketing Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 33-53.

  1. Identify
    • the journal name - Services Marketing Quarterly
    • the article title - 'Ethical Issues in Australian marketing research services'
    • the year of publication - 2007
    • the volume - vol. 28
    • the issue - no. 3
    • the pages - pp. 33-35
  2. Use the Journal Titles button to find the journal name
  3. Identify the database that has the year of publication
    • Click on the database link. This takes you to journal
  4. Navigate to the year of publication
    • Identify the volume and the issue number
    • Click on the appropriate issue
  5. Identify the article title - 'Ethical Issues in Australian marketing research services'
    • Browse to the correct page numbers OR
    • Use the Search within current journal to search for the article title
    • If you see Article Linker, follow the link to the full text of the article
  6. Save or print the article
    • Download the full text (pdf version)


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