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Research skills tutorial

3.5 - checking for scholarly, peer-reviewed and more

"Ulrich's Periodicals Directory™ is a bibliographic database providing detailed, comprehensive, and authoritative information on serials published throughout the world. It covers all subjects, and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription." can be accessed from the A-Z list of databases.

Off campus access to is restricted to staff and students of the USC. Members of the public are welcome to come into the library to use the database. contains details about journal titles, including:

  • the publisher's name, contact details and country of origin
  • publication dates, status and subscription details
  • details of the type of journal, including whether it is a scholarly publication and if it is refereed or peer reviewed
  • indexes and databases in which references from the journal can be located

The quick search allows journals to be searched by exact title, keyword in title, subject, general keyword or by ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).

Use the advanced search to limit your results either to academic/scholarly or refereed (peer reviewed) journals.

The results list displayed contains information about the journal. The  icon next to a journal title indicates that the journal is peer reviewed.

To view more detail for a journal, click on the title.

The basic description tab of the journal record includes information about the publisher, availability and price of the title.

Abstracting/indexing and article access includes information about which databases contain citations and abstracts for that journal title, as well as information about ordering articles from the journal.

Publisher and ordering information contains contact details for the publisher.

Advertising rights, demographics information includes which reader groups the journal is aimed at and which copyright organisation is responsible for maintaining copyright data.

To check whether a journal is held at UniSC Library, select the 360 e-Journal Portal icon at the top of the record.


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