You may need to find different types of resources depending upon what type of information you are looking for.
Sometimes you may need to find a basic overview of a topic to give you some background information, or you may require a first-hand account to give you a clear understanding of an event.
Primary, secondary and tertiary resources provide different types of information.
Primary Sources of information are first hand accounts and may include:
Burns, Robert 2000, Introduction to Research Methods, 4th edn, Pearson Education, French's Forest.
University of Maryland (2013) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources, accessed 9 September 2013 from URL:
A secondary source utilises the primary information reported in another source and may include:
Cohen, Louis, Manion, Lawrence & Morrison, Keith 2000, Research Methods in Education 5th edn, Routledge, New York.
These provide an overview and distillation of primary and secondary resources. They include reference sources such as:
They can be used as a starting point.