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Research skills tutorial

3.3 Primary, secondary and tertiary resources

You may need to find different types of resources depending upon what type of information you are looking for.

Sometimes you may need to find a basic overview of a topic to give you some background information, or you may require a first-hand account to give you a clear understanding of an event.

Primary, secondary and tertiary resources provide different types of information.

Primary Sources

Primary Sources of information are first hand accounts and may include:

  • Letters, diaries and journals
  • Printed materials written at the time of the event in question, including books, newspaper reports and newsletters
  • Films and video, audio recordings, pictures, photographs
  • Autobiographies, biographies and memoirs
  • Census information, medical records
  • Minutes and records of organisations, event programs
  • Contracts, certificates and reports, including research reports
  • Opinion polls and surveys
  • Oral testimony - spoken accounts, speeches, interviews, tales, myths, ballads, songs, rhyming games etc.
  • Artefacts [sic] or relics - can include physical sites, printed materials, tools and furniture etc.
  • Web pages, e-mails, Usenet messages, bulletin board messages etc.

Burns, Robert 2000, Introduction to Research Methods, 4th edn, Pearson Education, French's Forest.

University of Maryland (2013) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources, accessed 9 September 2013 from URL:

Secondary Sources

A secondary source utilises the primary information reported in another source and may include:

  • Books, including textbooks, encyclopedias and quoted materials written about the topic.
  • Journal articles and newspaper articles written about the topic.
  • Any other source that reports what someone else has done or seen.

Cohen, Louis, Manion, Lawrence & Morrison, Keith 2000, Research Methods in Education 5th edn, Routledge, New York.

Tertiary sources

These provide an overview and distillation of primary and secondary resources. They include reference sources such as:

  • Encyclopedias
  • Textbooks
  • Reviews
  • Biographical sources
  • Fact books
  • Almanacs.

They can be used as a starting point.


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