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Check your Course Readings in Canvas before placing a digitisation request.

Request Digitisation

A digitisation request is a request for the library to copy material from a physical book and supply to you in PDF. 

Important: Copyright restrictions allow for only one chapter or 10% (whichever is greater) from a single source to be copied. Digitisations will not be provided for material that is available in an eBook. Digitisations will not be provided for material that is available in Course Readings as a digital copy (PDF). Check your Course Readings first. 

  1. Login to Discover.
  2. Search the Library Catalogue for an item.
  3. Select the item's title to open the full record.
  4. In the Request section, select Digitisation.
  5. Enter the chapter, start page and end page.
  6. Enter your course code (for which you are requesting this book).
  7. You can select How many requests before mine to see where you are in the queue (0 means you are the first in line).
  8. Read the copyright acknowledgement and tick the box.
  9. Select Send Digitisation Request.

Visit My Library Account to check the progress of your requests or cancel your request if it is no longer required.

Important: If the physical item is available at the time of request, it may take up to two working days (Monday-Friday) to be processed.

Request a Hold

Requests can be made to borrow items from the General or 3-Day-Loan Collections. You may request a General Collection item from your home campus library and the Sunshine Coast campus library. You may request a 3 Day Loan item only from your home campus library and if it is not available.

  1. Login to Discover.
  2. Search the Library Catalogue for an item.
  3. Select the item's title to open the full record.
  4. In the Request section, select Hold.
  5. Select your Pickup Location.
  6. Select Send Request.

Important: For available items that need to be transferred from other campuses, allow five working days for the item to be available at your pick up location. For available items at the same pick up location, allow two working days for your request to be processed.

We will email you when the item is ready for you to collect along with the collection location.

Visit My Library Account to check the progress of your requests or cancel your request if it is no longer required.

Pick up an item on Hold

When you receive the notification that your item is ready for collection, you will need to:

  1. Visit the campus library within three days of receiving the email.
  2. Find the item you requested on the Hold shelf (look for your name on the slip).
  3. Take the item off the shelf.
  4. Use the self-check kiosk or the UniSC Library app to borrow the item.

Now you are able to take the item out of the library.

  • If you request an item that is available at your own campus library, it may be quicker to find the item on the shelf yourself.
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