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Phrase searching

Start with a phrase search by typing the article title inside double quotation marks, into Discover's basic search. Discover will search for those words in that exact order.

  1. Enter the article title into the search in Discover.
  2. Hit Enter on your keyboard or select the search icon
  3. Select Download PDF (if available) or select Check for availability to open to full record.
  4. Under Full text availability, select the database that provides access to the required year for the article.
  5. Download, save or print the PDF.

Field search for article title and author

Example title and author field search in DiscoverIf the phrase search doesn't work, try a field search for the article title and author using Discover's Advanced Search.

  1. In Discover, select the Advanced Search
  2. In the first line,
    • Change the Any field drop down to Title
    • Type the article title in the search field
  3. In the second line
    • Change the Any field drop down to Author/Creator
    • Type the author's surname in the search field
  4. Hit Enter on your keyboard or select Search
  5. Select Download PDF (if available) or select Check for availability to open to full record.
  6. Under Full text availability, select the database that provides access to the required year for the article.
  7. Download, save or print the PDF.

Journal Title Search

If you still can't find the article, try searching for the Journal and browse the issues. Start by identifying:

  • the journal title - Medical Education
  • the article title - 'Sharpening the feedback skills of doctoral supervisors'
  • the year of publication - 2018
  • the volume - vol. 52
  • the issue - no. 11
  • the pages - pp. 1207-1208

On the library website:Example journal title search

  1. Select Journal Title Search
  2. Type the journal title in the search field and search
  3. Find the journal and select Check for availability
  4. Select the database that provides access to the required year of publication for the article
  5. In the database, search within current journal to find the article title
  6. If this option is not available, use the browse feature to select the year of publication, locate the volume and the issue number and select the link provided
  7. Select the article title
  8. Download, save or print the PDF.
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