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Books - when and why to use them?

Books on library shelf

Books are still valuable sources for research! Journal articles report on current research, which can be very specific. Use books to get:

An overview of a topic

  1. debating
  2. sustainability
  3. marketing

The background of a topic

  1. its history
  2. the core issues
  3. its relationship to other topics

References to other information

  1. relevant books
  2. related articles
  3. other important authors

Comparison of books and academic books

  Books Academic Books
Intended Audience Anyone Students and academics
Purpose General interest, opinion, sales Define and discuss theories and practices, scholarly/academic information
Author Anyone Academics and qualified professionals in the field
Language Simple, plain English Discipline specific vocabulary
Referencing Rarely included In-text citations, bibliography
Appearance Decorative images Charts, diagrams, informational images
Indexing Rarely included Table of contents, indexing of key terms

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