Access to full text and abstract databases including peer reviewed journals, eBooks, conference papers, theses, government reports, discussion papers, and book chapters from Australasia's research institutions.
The largest multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, books, journals, online tools, bibliographic databases and newsletters relevant to science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities. Provides tools to track, analyse and visualise research.
Multidisciplinary collection of full text and citation index databases including scholarly journals, books, book series, reports and conferences. Provides Citation Indexes such as Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Chemical Indexes.
For effective searching use “quotation marks” around each search term, including single words.
Overton is the world’s largest collection of policy documents, parliamentary transcripts, government guidance and think tank research. It collects data globally from over 180 countries and in many different languages. There are over 5.5 million documents indexed in Overton, and hundreds of new documents are added each day. This is a key database for measuring research performance.
OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for DOE science, technology, and engineering research and development results and the organizational hub for information about the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information. It consolidates OSTI's home page and our now retired primary search tool SciTech Connect.
Academic Video Online is a large videostream collection with more than 66,000 titles, across a range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
Full text and citation database of journal articles, critical reviews and images focused on disciplines within the biomedical, life, physical, and social sciences including economics.
Open access to PDF and other digital text documents related to Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics.
Full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organisations and educational institutions located in Australia and New Zealand. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, health, social sciences and education.
A complete, scientifically accurate, interactive 3D human anatomy platform. Instructors can customize and create content fit for purpose. Students can use the content as they see it on the platform or as customized by their instructors.
Instructions: This databases requires users to register for a personal account. Select the database link on this page and login using your UniSC network username and password. Select BioDigital Human from the list and follow the instructions to register using your university email address. Use the login link and enter your UniSC email address and password as per your registration.
Browse, monitor and read scholarly journals in your subject area using BrowZine. Select your favourite journal titles, add them to your virtual bookshelf, and read articles straight from the table of contents.
Collection of full text and index databases containing bibliographic records, full text articles and authoritative reviews, news articles and reports covering applied life sciences
Full text access to journals, books and magazines online and in print format related to research on animal and plant science, environmental, health, physical, life and marine science.
Collection of databases providing full text access to journal and newspaper articles, books, conference papers, theses and images on multidisciplinary subjects.
Encyclopaedic resource that draws together scientific information on all aspects of invasive species. It comprises peer reviewed datasheets images, maps and links to metadata of abstracts.
A premier biomedical database from the National Library of Medicine, offering access to a vast collection of citations and abstracts from medical, healthcare, and life sciences journals, with links to full-text articles where available.
Nature is a leading, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes high-quality research across a wide range of scientific disciplines. The journal features original research, news, and expert opinions, providing insights into cutting-edge developments and discoveries.
A multidisciplinary collection of scholarly ebooks covering the sciences, business and health, education, humanities and social sciences.
Instructions: If the book does not appear to be loading correctly when using the Read Online feature, go to Settings - Profile in the top menu bar of Ebook Central and select Disable Text Only Mode. Then tick the box to agree to the privacy policy and terms of service, then select Save.
Collection of multidisciplinary full text and abstract databases including peer reviewed journals, eBooks, conference papers, encyclopaedias, government and official publications, magazines, newspapers, trade journals, reports, wire feeds and standards.
Science And Geography Education (SAGE) is a bibliographic database indexing Australian and international journals. Intended for a user group including secondary school students, lower tertiary students and the general public.
CAS Analytical Methods features step-by-step instructions for analytical methods/protocols in all pure and applied chemistry areas, including pharmacology, HPLC, food analysis, natural products, water analysis and more. Records also include links to original articles and a tool to compare methods. User registration is required to use this product.
Instructions: New users are required to register for a personal account with their University email address. If you already have a login for SciFinder-n, use the same login credentials to access CAS Analytical Methods.
CAS Formulus is a curated collection of over five million formulation records from peer reviewed literature, patents and product inserts from the US FDA. Access a world leading collection of formulations to evaluate ingredients, manufacturing processes and regulatory information in a user friendly interface.
Instructions: New users are required to register for a personal account with their University email address. If you already have a login for SciFinder-n, use the same login credentials to access CAS Formulus.
Full text and bibliographic database provided by the American Chemical Society (ACS) with access to books, journals, dissertations, clinical trials, conference papers, patents and reports relevant to chemistry research.
Multidisciplinary full text and citation database providing access to scholarly journals, books, reference works and online archive collection.
Access includes: Majority of Springer journals, a broad selection of Springer books and a small selection of Nature journals. Look for 'Access provided by University of the Sunshine Coast'.
Combined access to laboratory and other scientific methods and protocols from the resources of Nature Methods, Nature Protocols, Springer Protocols and the open access Protocol Exchange. Search by technique or experimental organism.
Full text and index database of scholarly peer reviewed journals, database records and reference works published by Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and others.
The National Library of Australia's free discovery service providing resources such as books, conference proceedings, thesis, images, journals, digitised newspapers and web sites on content related to Australia. Includes Australasian Digital Theses and Australian Research Online (ARO).