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Research Metrics

Snowball Metrics

Snowball metrics This is a Snowball Metric. Learn more about Snowball Metrics.


Altmetrics are article level metrics that complement traditional metrics as a way of gauging attention (both academic and non-academic).  They are harvested from news outlets, reference managers, social media and blogs, to name a few.  Altmetrics measure public attention, not quality.  People pay attention to papers for all sorts of reasons, not all of them positive.  

The most common tool for calculating Altmetrics is...


Altmetrics in UniSC Research Bank

Go to UniSC Research Bank

  1. Browse for the author name you wish to view OR the article title you are interested in.
  2. From the List of Titles page, the Altmetric score can be seen here:
  3. Hover over the Altmetric score to display the pop-up, then click See More Details.
  4. The page will be displayed, allowing you to browse the news and blog posts, as well as social media mentions for the article.
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