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Research Metrics

Snowball Metrics

Snowball metrics This is a Snowball Metric. Learn more about Snowball Metrics.

Citation Count and Citations per Output

Citation Count

Citation Count sums the citations received to date in the data source.

Differences in the Citation Count between data sources are due to differing coverages (title and dates) of the database.

Sometimes Citation Counts will be displayed in a table with years – the years are always the year in which the output was published and do not refer to the year in which the citation was received.

Citation Count metrics are useful to benchmark visibility where researchers are from similar fields or disciplines and with similar career lengths.

Citations per Output

Citations per Output calculates the number of citations received to date by each output.

Sometimes Citations per Output will be displayed in a table with years – the years are always the year in which the output was published and do not refer to the year in which the citation was received.

Citations per Output metrics are useful to benchmark the average impact of outputs within a body of work, and to compare the average influence of outputs within similar fields or disciplines.

The most common tools for calculating Citation Counts are...

Citation Counts in Scopus

Connect to Scopus

When you get to the main Scopus search screen:

  1. Click the Author Search tab (instead of the default Document search)
  2. Enter surname and first initial in the labelled boxes
  3. Enter "University of the Sunshine Coast" into the Affiliation box
  4. Press Search
  5. Click the profile name that you are searching. Note that authors with only one document are hidden from view - in order to search for these as well, click the Show Profile Matches with One Document link at the top of the results list
  6. The overall citation count is displayed here:
    Citation count in Scopus
  7. To see your citations per output, view the document list from your author page:
    Citation count per paper in Scopus

Citation Counts in SciVal

Connect to SciVal (if you haven't already, you will need to set up an account with an email and password).

  1. Click on the Overview module
  2. Click on either Institutions and Groups or Researchers and Groups
  3. Select the institution, group or researcher you wish to search
  4. Select the date range and/or subject area
    Date and subject in SciVal
  5. Click on the Cited tab
    Citation count in SciVal

Citation counts in UniSC Research Bank

Go to UniSC Research Bank

  1. Search for the output you wish to view citation counts for
  2. Scroll down to the Metrics section
  3. The citation counts for Web of Science will be displayed if the output is indexed in Web of Science

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