Linking issues sometimes relate to a person’s browser, device, or settings. Review the information below before reporting the issue.
Refer to the information below to assist with troubleshooting:
Example responses to report include:
Check the availability – some eBooks have licence restrictions which prevent multiple users accessing the resource at the same time. If there is no availability try again later and see if the book loads for you.
Cannot Download - Some eBooks only allow read online access with no availability for print and chapter download.
If you see the following dialog box and there is no table of contents available, follow the steps below.
Some Ebook Central books may be in the EPUB format, this is presented differently on the screen to the standard PDF format.
If the header and footer on your screen looks like the image below, it’s an EPUB formatted title. Refer to this article which explains the icons and features available.
This article discusses using small devices for reading Ebook Central ebooks.
Can only access the abstract for a resource
Sometimes access to the PDF is not obvious, it could be an icon or just a link to download. Search all over the page to locate the download pdf option.
The link is not going directly to the article only the journal
Depending on the publisher/platform article level linking may not be available and the link may only take you to the journal. Within the journal page copy the title of the resource into the search to see if search results locate the article.