Most of the eBooks provided by UniSC Library can simply be read online through the web browser. Viewing the book online does not require any software and you can access the whole book. When reading online you may have options to save, print and copy parts of the eBook. If you require the eBook offline then you will need to download it and it will be 'loaned' to you for a period. Depending on the device you are using you will either need software, an app and possibly a personal account with the eBook provider (EBSCO).
If you are having difficulty opening an eBook we recommend clearing your cache (browser history) and trying again. If this does not solve the problem try the eBook in a different browser (Chrome is preferable). If you are still experiencing issues please use this form to report your problem Report an issue with access to online Library Resources
When downloading an eBook you may be provided the option to down in PDF or EPUB format.
Ensure you have turned off the pop-up blocker on your device. It may be necessary to check your firewall settings as well.
You can use any device for downloading and reading eBooks. However, your device may influence what you can do with the eBook.
To read an eBook online you do not need software as the eBook viewer operates in your web browser. If you want to download an eBook you will need software specific for your device. See Offline Reading for more information.
If the eBook is free or has no DRM restrictions then, yes. But generally, most eBooks will only allow you to download an eBook and have access for the loan period. For example, 7 days. You may be able to download and save PDF parts of the eBook, which you are able to keep.
No, this is not possible. You can only download to your computer, laptop or mobile device.
In the same way you reference a print book but with added information to show how you accessed the eBook. Please refer to the UniSC style guides to learn more about referencing your sources.
Once an eBook loan has expired, you may be able to re-borrow the same book by downloading it again. There may be some publisher restrictions or time delay on the ability to re-borrow.
Most eBooks will prescribe the number of pages that can be copied or printed. This number will adjust as you carry out these tasks. Copyright applies to electronic material and students are required to act in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968. Please refer to the Copyright for Students guide.
There are two types of logins you may come across when trying to access and download eBooks: