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Choosing learning materials for your course

TELT Checklist: Learning Materials

When choosing learning materials, you should refer back to the TELT Framework (login required). The framework includes a checklist which is a self or peer-assessment tool (you can view the full checklist in MyUniSC).

The questions below reflect Step 2: Learning materials, however the checklist focuses on all four domains of teaching practice.

For example, Step 4: Online learning environment is about creating an accessible and usable learning experience, which is complementary to the questions below.

Are the learning materials available and functional?

  • Are they appropriately sized for downloading/streaming?
  • Are they functional on contemporary devices?
  • Do they enable learner control?
  • Are they fit for purpose? E.g. online PDF forms are editable.
  • Note: See 'Step 4: Online learning environment' for detailed guidance about accessibility standards and other user experience considerations.

Are the learning materials copyright compliant and appropriately attributed?

  • Do they meet the copyright guidelines (available to staff on MyUniSC)?
  • Note: The Library can provide advice on complying with copyright law.

Do the learning materials reflect diversity?

  • Are they culturally inclusive?
  • Do they reflect diversity, including but not limited to gender, culture, demographic groups?
  • Are they contextualised to more than one global region?

Are the learning materials relevant and current?

  • Have you articulated the learning outcomes, sequencing, and alignment to material and activities in the weekly/module folder?
  • Have you provided context for the learning material? (What is it, why is it relevant, is it essential/recommended?)
  • Note: The Library can provide advice on determining relevancy and currency and can help to set up your Course Readings List with tags to indicate to your students if a reading is 'required' or 'recommended'.

Are the learning materials provided in a range of modalities?

  • Are they presented in a variety of digital technologies and media?
  • Are any of the materials interactive?
  • Note: This variety should be in a purposeful way to support learning preferences. The Library can assist in locating learning materials in a variety of formats.

What else should I consider?

The Library can also support you in finding learning materials that are affordable for your students.

Reducing costs for our students can have huge impacts including supporting them to continue to participate in higher education.

When choosing materials, also consider the following questions related to cost:

  • Do my students have access to this resource at no cost to them?
  • When students click on the resource, is there a paywall?
  • Am I asking students to purchase a textbook and if so, how much will it cost them?
  • Do I need to prescribe a textbook or is there a more affordable alternative?

These types of questions do not always factor into our decision making, but it is important to think about whether our students need to pay for access to their learning materials.

The Library already pays for access to scholarly databases containing eBooks, journal articles, news articles, videos, and much more.

Some of our eBook titles are available under a DRM-free licence (i.e. the book can be downloaded by all students) or unlimited user licence (i.e. the book can be read online concurrently by an unlimited number of students) which can help you to provide access to ALL of your students concurrently.

We encourage you to use your Course Readings list to provide learning materials to your students. See the Course Readings Library Guide or speak to your Liaison Librarian.

The Library can also assist with finding appropriate Open Educational Resources (OERs). If you are interested in learning more, see the OER Library Guide or speak to your Liaison Librarian.

If you need assistance with copyright or open licensing, including Creative Commons licences, please contact Copyright.

For more information about where you can source learning materials from, see 'Where to find learning materials'.

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