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Choosing learning materials for your course

This guide has been developed by the UniSC Library to support Step 2 of the Technology Enabled Learning and Teaching (TELT) Framework (login required).

In 2020, UniSC adapted the TELT Framework to provide recommended learning and teaching practices for blended and online study modes. The framework is comprised of four domains of teaching practice:

You can read more about Step 2: Learning materials on MyUniSC (login required) which includes practical guidance on what this will look like in your course, and links to relevant resources in the Learning and Teaching Resource Collection. There is also the TELT Checklist on MyUniSC which you can download and use to inform your course design.

To get started with this guide, read the information below and then click on How to choose learning materials.

What are learning materials?

Learning materials are the material and tools made accessible to learners to enable their engagement and learning.

Learning materials should align to course learning outcomes and support students to achieve them through knowledge and skill building activities.

A diverse range of relevant and current high quality ​learning materials should be selected to enable learner’s engagement and learning.

It is advisable to purposefully plan, organise and present a variety of learning materials that will cater to all learning preferences, optimising learning and encouraging motivation.

Learning materials should be:

  • Learning centred and career and future focused
  • Aligned to course learning outcomes
  • Relevant, current and high quality
  • Selected to enable engagement and learning

How can the Library support your course?

The Library is able to work with you to choose learning materials which are relevant and support learner engagement.

Librarians are skilled professionals who can recommend resources to support the learning outcomes and assessment tasks of your course.

Your Liaison Librarian has in-depth discipline knowledge and can help you to find, select and evaluate learning materials.

In particular, we can help you find and select resources in a variety of media including, but not limited to, videos, images, eBooks, and articles.

We can also help to find substitutes or replacements to ensure currency of resources or to replace a textbook.

Importantly, we can help to curate your learning materials using your Course Readings list which integrates with Canvas. If you are not yet familiar with Course Readings, you can read more on the Course Readings Library Guide.

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