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Databases: Legislation

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6 Databases found for Legislation

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The Australian Attorney-General Information Service (AGIS) provides full text, peer reviewed access to legal research on Banking, Constitutional Law, Copyright, Criminal Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Human Rights, International Law, Law and Legal Aid, Medical Law.
  • Australian content
Australasian Information Institute (AustLII) provides access to legislation, cases, journals, law reform, commission materials and unreported judgments in all Australian jurisdictions and links to some New Zealand and overseas legal material


Full text and index database for research in crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. Includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports and crime blogs.


Alternative name Lexis + LexisNexis

Provides an extensive collection of Australian legal databases. Includes CaseBase, (a case citator), Halsbury's Laws of Australia (encyclopedia), case law, legislation, law reports, journals and subject commentaries.

Note: All content generated through Lexis+ now features a watermark stating 'For Academic Use Only.' This update is designed to promote responsible use and uphold a commitment to ethical sharing and distribution.


  • UniSC access only
Index database of primary and secondary US, UK and European Union legal materials. Also includes case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties, law journals, newspaper and magazine articles and public records.


Provides access to law reports, unreported judgments, commentaries and journals. Includes FirstPoint, (a case citator) and the Laws of Australia (encyclopaedia).

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Alternative name ProQuest One Education
A comprehensive teaching, learning, and research destination of abstract and full text scholarly journals, videos, dissertations, reference work, grey literature, popular news sources, and more for the discipline of education.

Sage Knowledge Video: Social Work is a contemporary, online video collection of practitioners demonstrating skills in case studies involving various client groups. It also includes interviews of experts discussing concepts and tutorials.

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