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EndNote 21

Formatting in EndNote

The major formatting styles used at UniSC are: APA, Harvard and the JAMA version of Vancouver. See the boxes below on this page.

In EndNote , there are two methods of formatting citations.

  1. Use the "Cite While You Write" MS Word plugin to format in text citations and a bibliography within Word.
  2. Format an entire folder in a particular style. Choose Format, then Bibliography.

To choose a formatting style, select your prefered style from the very long list. Once a style is set it will be available to choose from the top menu bar style window.

References added to your library will display in the bottom preview window, in the chosen style, when they are highlighted.


Some styles do not come with the Endnote installation.

These include the version of Harvard style used at UniSC, and the Nutrition and Dietetics journal style.

Get these styles operational using these instructions.

Instructions for those on UniSC Lab computers (Win10)

  • In Windows Explorer (or My Computer) create a folder called Endnote under Libraries/Documents (your personal space on the UniSC network).
  • Create another folder called Styles inside it. You should then have this available: 
    • Libraries\Documents\Endnote\Styles
  • Download the connection file (link below) and save it into this Stylesfolder.  Endnote will now look in this folder for the correct style.

Instructions for those on your personal PC or Mac:

  • Check in Endnote where your Endnote styles folder sits.  (Probably at C:\Program Files\Endnote or Documents\Endnote\Styles)
    • References > Preferences > Folder Locations > Style Folder. This will give the name and location of your Endnote folder.
  • If there is not a Connections folder in it, create it: 
    • Use the naming format EndNote\Styles.
  • Download the style file (link below) and save it into this Styles folder. Endnote will now look in this folder for that style.

CHOOSE it using instructions on this page to activate it.

Choose a Style

To choose a new bibliographic style (except Harvard), click Select Another Style on the Endnote toolbar:

Choose your style from the list in the pop-up Style Manager:

This will now be your default display style until you change it.

HARVARD USERS NOTE: The Harvard version that comes with Endnote is British Standard Harvard; and quite different to the styles used commonly at UniSC or other Australian universities.

UniSC uses the Australian version as modified by the Uni of Qld Library. Download it and use as instructed in the box below.

Endnote and AGLC

Vancouver (JAMA version)

To create a numbered reference list in Word with number in-text  (i.e., Vancouver or JAMA):

JAMA   is the official Vancouver style at UniSC. It features and is based on the AMA 11th edition Manual.:

  • the superscript numbers in-text
  • journal title is in italics.

Important Note: Correct Vancouver referencing requires journal names to be abbreviated according to the NLM List of Journals (searchable here: ). Follow the instruction on the University of Queensland Library's website on loading and using  journal term lists

Vancouver uses the "medical" term list available in Endnote.

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