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AGLC Referencing Guide

This guide provides basic information on footnotes and bibliographies using the AGLC (4th edition).

Journal Articles

Material Type Footnote Example Bibliography Example
Journal Article: One author, no issue number 1 Augusto Zimmeran, 'How Brazilian Judges Undermine the Rule of Law. A Critical Appraisal' (2008) 11 International Trade and Business Law Review 179, 184 Zimmeran, Augusto  'How Brazilian Judges Undermine the Rule of Law. A Critical Appraisal' (2008) 11 International Trade and Business Law Review 179
Journal Article: Two authors, issue number, with pinpoint 1 Simon Young and Sarah Murray, 'An Elegant Convergence? The Constitutional Entrenchment of Jurisdictional Error Review in Australia' (2011) 11(2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 117, 118. Young, Simon and Sarah Murray, 'An Elegant Convergence? The Constitutional Entrenchment of Jurisdictional Error Review in Australia' (2011) 11(2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 117
Journal Article: No author, no issue number

1 Note, 'Live Free and Nullify: Against Purging Capital Juries of Death Penalty Opponents' (2014) 127 Harvard Law Review 2092.

Note: If the article is unsigned, the type of article, such as Note or Comment, is listed. If the type isn't clear, begin the entry with the title.

Note, 'Live Free and Nullify: Against Purging Capital Juries of Death Penalty Opponents' (2014) 127 Harvard Law Review 2092
Journal Article: Online journal, more than two authors, issue number with pinpoint

1 Sally Kift, Rachael Field and Ian Wells, 'Promoting Sustainable Professional Futures for Law Graduates through Curriculum Renewal in Legal Education: A Final Year Experience (FYE2)' (2008) 15(2) eLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law 145, 146 <

Note: Online Journal articles should be cited the the same manner as print journal articles. A URL should always follow the citation to electronic articles.  The date of retrieval should NOT be included. Rule 5.10

Kift, Sally, Rachael Field and Ian Wells, 'Promoting Sustainable Professional Futures for Law Graduates through Curriculum Renewal in Legal Education: A Final Year Experience (FYE2)' (2008) 15(2) eLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law 145, <
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