The AGLC Referencing Style Guide has two main features:-
From Peter Handford, 'A New Limitation Act for the 21st Century' (2007) 33(2) University of Western Australia Law Review 387.
A Articles/Books/Reports
Burton, Kelley, Thomas Crofts and Stella Tarrant, Principles of Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia (Lawbook, 2011)
Eastwood, Christine, Sally Kift and Rachel Grace, 'Attrition in Child Sexual Assault Cases: Why Lord Chief Justice Hale Got It Wrong' (2006) 16 Journal of Judicial Administration Journal 81
B Cases
Lane v Morrison [2009] HCA 29 (26 August 2009)
Nydam v The Queen [1977] VR 430
C Legislation
Aerodrome Landing Fees Act 2003 (Vic)
Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth)
D Treaties
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, opened for signature 23 May 1969, 1155 UNTS 331 (entered into force 27 January 1980)
E Other
New South Wales, Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Assembly, 15 December 1909