Use a case citator, CaseBase or FirstPoint, to find specific cases from Australian courts.
Competition, Consumer and Contract Law library (CCH) - contains Australian Contract Law Cases.
Specialist law report series on contracts include:
Australian Contract Reports (CCH IntelliConnect)
Full text reports of relevant contract law cases from all Australian jurisdictions.
Australian Competition and Consumer Cases (ATPR) (CCH IntelliConnect)
" ...contains judgments of the High Court and the Federal Court of Australia which concern federal competition and consumer protection matters reported during 2011. Also reported in this volume are Australian Competition Tribunal decisions ..." Former title: Australian Trade Practices Reports.
Australian Competition, Consumer & Contract Law Tracker (CCH IntelliConnect)
"Australian Competition, Consumer & Contract Law Tracker News" covers recent cases and legislation, as well as other relevant legal news. On the CCH IntelliConnect homepage look for the “Tracker News” link in the tool bar at the top of the left browse/contents panel. Click on the “Tracker News” link, then > Click 'here' to configure Trackers. Select the Trackers you wish to receive. You will be prompted to enter your email address and name.
Unreported Judgments Notifier (Lexis Advance)
To receive the 'Daily Unreported Judgments Notifier' select Subscribe and enter your details including your email address. After you have registered, use the"Customise Content" option, of the "Latest Cases search" to limit the notifier to unreported judgments relevant to an area of law or a topic, eg contract law, criminal law, copyright, human rights.