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Contracts A

For students enrolled in Contracts A LAW203

Introduction to Contract Law

A contract is a legally binding promise or agreement. (Halsbury's Laws of Australia [110-1] Definition)

The five major concerns of contract law analysis are:

  1. the processes by which contracts are formed, the identification of the parties and the indentification and interpretation of the terms of the contract so formed;
  2. the circumstances in which contractual agreement is affected by the presence of a vitiating factor or illegality;
  3. the requirements of contract performance and the circumstances in which breach of contract occur;
  4. the circumstances in which a contract will be discharged and the consequences of such a discharge; and
  5. the principles governing remedies for breach of contract.

(Halsbury's Laws of Australia [110-5] Concerns of contract law analysis)

Commonwealth Law Legislation

Federal Register of Legislation

Federal Register of Legislation is the only database of Australian Government legislation that is authoritative for the purposes of legal proceedings. The Federal Register of Legislation contains Acts (current and historical consolidations and Acts as made from 1973-) and Legislative Instruments in the  the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) (including Regulations, Rules, Statutory Instruments and others).  The Federal Registor of Legislation is managed by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Commonwealth Acts 1901-1950 (AustLII)

This database contains copies of Commonwealth of Australia Numbered Acts from 1901-1950 and from 1973- .

Commonwealth Bills and Legislation (Parliament of Australia)

Bills and Explanatory Memorandums, with links to 2nd Reading Speeches, Bill Digests and references to Committees, for the current and previous parliaments, can be accessed from each Bill homepage. Legislation proposed for introduction.

Key Contract Law Legislation

Legislation for all Australian Jurisdictions

Australian States and Territories (Federal Register of Legislation)

Go to the "Other Sources of Australian Law" tab to access a table of links to Parliaments, Legislation, Gazettes, and case law, for the Commonwealth and for each State, the ACT, NT and Norfolk Island.

LawNow – All Australian Jurisdictions Legislation (Lexis Advance)

Search and browse current and historical versions of Commonwealth and each state jurisdiction legislation, find commencement dates and Bills tracking information.

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