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Social Research Methods


In these pages you will find extensive resources for students studying social research methods courses at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

There are tabs (above) for particular research methods and specific aspects of the research process.

On each of these pages you will find links to relevant ebooks, journals, websites, videos and other resources.

If you know of useful resources that we should include here, please submit a request.

SAGE Research Methods

Sage Research Methods is a comprehensive online collection of resources which you can access through UniSC library. You can explore methodological concepts to help you design your research project, understand a particular research method or identify a new method, and write up your research. Your search links directly to books, book chapters, journal articles, encyclopaedic and dictionary entries, content which you can read online, print, or email full text.

Try the Project Planner from Sage Research Methods.

The Methods Map allows you to search for a particular method and see it in the context of other methods. It allows you to explore the research methods terrain, read definitions of key terminology, and discover content relevant to your research methods journey.

An online research community is available at Methodspace.

Learning Resources

The Introduction to Social Research guide by RMIT University was used in the creation of this guide.

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