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Graduate Skill - Organisation

Organisation Rubric

Program level criteria HD DN CR P FL
Based on Empowered - Data collection - methods, gathering, recording


Identifies data collection methods that ensures best outcome for the research question / objectives / hypothesis. Data is meticulously gathered and recorded using an approach that ensures quality and reliability.


Identifies data collection methods that best suits the research question / objectives / hypothesis. Data is gathered and recorded using an approach that ensures quality.


Identifies data collection methods that align with research question / objectives / hypothesis. Data is gathered and recorded using a consistent approach ensuring validity.


Identifies data collection methods that aligns with research question / objectives / hypothesis. Data is gathered and recorded within some inconsistencies but still remains valid.

Not competent

Data collection methods do not align with question / objectives / hypothesis or do not produce valid data. The data gathering and recoded process is inconsistent or inaccurate.

Based on Empowered – Planning

Master – strategic

This is a rigorous and tabulated plan that uses planning tools to be the best advantage. Plan demonstrates a rigorous approach and a clear understanding of the task, resources and development processes.

Advanced and strategic

A good use of resources and details with clear objectives that are timed to maximise the final product.

Details and organised

The plan is fleshed out with pertinent details, and more information is given in terms of statement or work, milestones and procedures that must be followed.

Basic elements met

Purpose, outcomes or products and timeline all mentioned. Indication of what tools/resources are needed are mentioned. There is a clear plan.

Not competent
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