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Graduate Quality - Knowledgeable

Knowledgeable Rubric

Program level criteria HD DN CR P FL
Selection and description (of knowledge)

Skillful and proficient

Discriminately selects pertinent literature and synthesises significant and less explored aspects of knowledge.

Proficient and effective

Wisely selects key literature and succinctly describes significant aspects of knowledge.

Clear and coherent

Selects relevant literature and coherently describes key aspects of knowledge.


Selects related literature and describes fundamental knowledge in generalist terms.

Imprecise and vague

Selects irrelevant or mediocre literature. Describes knowledge in vague or incoherent terms.

Comprehension (of knowledge)


States an insightful conclusion that is intelligently extrapolated from the context to demonstrated new knowledge.


States a specific and relevant conclusion arising from and responding to the context to demonstrate deeper knowledge.


States a logical conclusion relating to the context to demonstrate comprehension of contextual knowledge.


States a broad conclusion relating to the context demonstrating basic comprehension of knowledge.


States an ambiguous, illogical or unsupported conclusion demonstrated limited or inaccurate understanding of knowledge.

Explanation (of knowledge)

Sophisticated and scholarly

Synthesises in-depth and scholarly information connecting various or less explored points of view.

Informed and precise

In-depth and precise explanation from key sources connecting various and relevant points of view.

Informed and coherent

Explains key information from relevant sources representing main points of view.


Simply explains information from related sources representing limited/obvious points of view.

Narrow and uninformed explanation

Narrowly explains information from irrelevant or mediocre sources representing unrelated or imprecise points of view.

Limitations and implications (of knowledge)

Insightful and Justified

Presents perceptive and justified limitations and implications of knowledge that reveals something insightful about the context/case/experience.

Informed and Relevant

Presents important and justified limitations and implications of knowledge specific to the context/case/experience.


Presents relevant and supported limitations and implications of knowledge related to the context/case/experience.


Presents reasonable and supported limitations and implications of knowledge.


Presents limitations and implications that are irrelevant, unsupported and/or inaccurate.

Use of (literature or research)

Advanced and Judicious

Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the content and theory. Judiciously selects compelling content from credible sources to convey a persuasive stance.

Credible and Scholarly

Makes smooth and convincing connections between (facts, theories, etc) to demonstrate extended knowledge. Selects appealing content from credible sources to support a stance.

Relevant and Valid

Connects relevant literature to evidence a sound understanding. Uses credible sources to support valid ideas appropriate for the discipline.

Relevant and Indistinct

Includes a collection of relevant literature. Uses sources to develop and explore ideas. Simple ideas are described.

Undiscerning and Invalid

Undiscerning selection and use of literature to state an unconvincing or invalid argument.

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