Program level criteria | HD | DN | CR | P | FL |
Application of theory |
Skilful and proficient Meaningfully synthesises connections among professional experiences/case/context to deepen understanding of theory and to broaden own points of view. |
Proficient and effective Effectively selects examples from professional experience/case/context to illuminate applicable theory. Uses theory to explain own point of view. |
Effective and coherent Reasonable causes or contributing factors of professional experience/case/context are identified and explained using relevant theory. |
Clear and coherent Clear and coherent connection between theory and practice using key theoretical tenets to explain professional experience/case/context. |
Unclear The explanation of the theory is unclear or inaccurate. The connection between theory and practice is unclear or inaccurate. |
Application of a framework / model |
Systematic and skilful Effective application of model/framework enhancing and bringing forward new ideas regarding professional experience and making recommendations about future practice and or applications. |
Thorough and effective Examines the connections and disconnections between framework/model and professional experience to draw thoughtful conclusions about practice. |
Effective Uses comparisons and knowledge of others to explain framework/model in the context of professional experience. |
Competent Uses key concepts of framework/model to explain professional experience and own perspective. |
Conducts a basic / simplistic Unable to draw simple conclusions due to inaccurate use of framework. |
Application of design thinking |
Comprehensive and insightful Comprehensively applies the method/process to context drawing insightful conclusions. |
Thorough and effective The context is examined using critical elements of the methodology/process to draw thoughtful conclusions. |
Effectively explains Relevant elements of methodology/process are accurately identified and explained in context. |
Accurate Key elements of methodology/process are accurately identified and explained. |
Narrow explanation The methodology/process is inaccurately applied therefore drawing inaccurate or vague conclusions. |
Application of tool / software |
Perceptive Skilfully and intuitively applies tool/software to create a robust, precise and functional product/artefact |
Accurate Accurately applies tool/software to create a functional and reliable product/artefact. |
Essential Sufficiently applies tool/software to create a reliable product/artefact. |
Satisfactory Applies tool/software to create a minimally viable product/artefact/outcome. |
Inaccurate Inaccurately applies tool/software creating a non-functioning, imprecise or limited product/artefact/outcome. |
Data collection methods, gathering, recording |
Proficient Identifies data collection methods that ensures best outcome for the research question / objectives / hypothesis. Data is meticulously gathered and recorded using an approach that ensures quality and reliability. |
Confident Identifies data collection methods that best suits the research question / objectives / hypothesis. Data is gathered and recorded using an approach that ensures quality. |
Competent Identifies data collection methods that align with research question / objectives / hypothesis. Data is gathered and recorded using a consistent approach ensuring validity. |
Developing Identifies data collection methods that aligns with research question / objectives / hypothesis. Data is gathered and recorded within some inconsistencies but still remains valid. |
Not competent Data collection methods do not align with question / objectives / hypothesis or do not produce valid data. The data gathering and recoded process is inconsistent or inaccurate. |
Planning |
Master – strategic This is a rigorous and tabulated plan that uses planning tools to be the best advantage. Plan demonstrates a rigorous approach and a clear understanding of the task, resources and development processes. |
Advanced and strategic A good use of resources and details with clear objectives that are timed to maximise the final product. |
Details and organised The plan is fleshed out with pertinent details, and more information is given in terms of statement or work, milestones and procedures that must be followed. |
Basic elements met Purpose, outcomes or products and timeline all mentioned. Indication of what tools/resources are needed are mentioned. There is a clear plan |
Not competent |