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Graduate Skill - Communication

Communication Rubric

Program level criteria HD DN CR P FL


Superior control of writing with exemplary and purposeful grammar. Sentence length, structure and complexity are varied. Seldom errors that do not interfere with meaning.


Shows a control of writing applying proper grammar. Sentence structures are correct and varied. Some minor grammatical discrepancies that do not interfere with meaning.


Shows control of academic English but contains some sporadic linguistic errors that do not impede meaning. Infrequent and/or inconsistent errors in spelling, capitalisation and punctuation.


Adequate use of grammar rules: parts of speech, sentence structure, phrases and clauses are simple but correct.


Frequent errors in spelling, capitalisation and punctuation. Sentence fragments and/or incomplete sentences. Grammar errors impedes linguistic performance and interferes with meaning.

Professional writing

Coherent and Fluent

Tactfully uses structure to enhance expression. Creates a cohesive and consistent essay evidencing attention to detail. Uses elegant language that skilfully communicates meaning with clarity and fluency.

Sequenced and Coherent

Tactfully uses structure to present ideas. Words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs are arranged to create a well-structured essay. Uses coherent language that skilfully communicates meaning.

Structured and Sequenced

Uses a sequenced structure to form ideas. Essay flows and is easy to follow. Uses language that conveys meaning with some clarity.


Structure and presentation of the essay meet minimum standards – topic sentences, body paragraphs, introduction and conclusion are orderly and distinguishable. Uses language that generally conveys Meaning.

Unstructured and disconnected

No structure evident or structure is chaotic and does not promote understanding.

Professional speaking

Polished and Compelling

Delivery techniques make the presentation compelling and enhances the effectiveness of the presentation. The speaker appears polished and confident. Information is skilfully organised to enhance the central message. The central message is precisely stated, appropriately repeated and memorable.

Confident and Memorable

Delivery techniques make the presentation interesting. Speaker appears confident. Information is well organised. Ideas are linked and transitions are smooth. The central message is clear and memorable.

Comfortable and Pragmatic

Delivery techniques make the presentation coherent. Speaker appears comfortable. Information is organised with only minor disruptions. The central message is understandable but is not revised or made memorable.

Tentative and Imprecise

Delivery techniques sometimes disrupts audience interest and comprehension. Speaker appears tentative. Information is disorganised at times. The central message can be deduced but is not explicitly stated.

Apathetic and Disorganised

Speaker appears apathetic or apprehensive. Delivery techniques interrupt the flow of the presentation. Information is unorganised resulting in an unclear central message.

Professional presentations


A judicious selection of persuasive supporting materials are uniquely combined to make compelling references to information or analysis which inspires the audience and advances the presenter’s credibility/authority on topic.


A variety of types of interesting and credible supporting materials makes justifiable references to information or analysis, which enhances audience engagement. A discerning selection of information engenders the presenter with sound credibility/authority on the topic.


Relevant supporting materials make appropriate reference to information or analysis that pragmatically supports the presentation. Accuracy in information establishes the presenter with credibility/authority on the topic.


Simple supporting materials make reference to information or analysis that adequately supports the presentation. Basic information portrays the presenter as having credibility on the topic.


Supporting materials are not sourced from creditable sources.

Professional artefact


Strong visual appeal resulting from unique and creative design features. Aspirational/inspirational purpose Artistically and harmoniously balanced. No evidence of imperfections.


Visuals appeal captures interest resulting from decorative/simple/clean design features. A clear purpose. Layout is balanced and use of design principles is obvious.

Visual appeal is clean and uses key design features. There is a discernible sense of purpose. Layout is sensible, careful and logically organised. Object is attractive.


Visual appeal is conventional incorporating common design features. A discernible sense of purpose. Layout is sensible and logically organised. Imperfections are evident but minimal.

Undeveloped and unappealing

Basic design features are not evident resulting in artefact appearing disorganised, unbalanced and without purpose. Imperfections disrupt visual appeal.

Academic Integrity

Scholarly / Ethical

Essay uses advanced referencing techniques, which adds to the flow and ease of understanding. It is clear where information originated and how it is used to formulate an argument/idea/stance.

Accurate / Ethical

Accurate application of chosen referencing format demonstrating credibility. Sources of information are properly integrated into writing.

Satisfactory / Ethical

Most sources of information, images, tables, figures are cited clearly and accurately in chosen referencing format.

Essential / Ethical

Minimum standards are applied. No evidence of plagiarism. Adequate in- text referencing and labelling of tables, images or figures.

Unethical / Inaccurate

Errors in referencing and/or unreferenced statements indicated potential plagiarism or poor evidence of information sourcing.

Takes a position


An imaginative position is stated taking into account the complexities of an issue. Limits of the position are acknowledged. Others’ points of views/idea are combined and used to support the position.


A specific position is stated taking into account the complexities of an issue. Others’ points of views are acknowledged within the position.


A specific position is stated acknowledging different sides of an issue.


A specific position is stated but is simplistic and obvious (or unnecessarily complicated).

Unstated / Undefined

A position is not stated/poorly articulated/unrelated.

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