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Exam preparation

Learning objectives

This resource will help you:

  • Understand the principles of effective preparation for online quizzes, tests, and exams.
  • Develop simple strategies to perform your best on the day of your online quiz, test, or exam.

Keys to success

Preparing effectively for a quiz or exam requires:

  • Developing an effective study technique to help organise, remember, and understand the content of your course.
  • Managing your time with a study plan and schedule.
  • Taking care of yourself.
Planning for success

Developing a plan to prepare for and complete a quiz or exam is a great way to set yourself up for success and reduce anxiety. 

As you watch this video (5:49 min), identify one change you can make to how you currently prepare for exams and quizzes. 


Key steps to exam preparation

Step 1: Understand the requirements of your quiz, test, or exam.

  • Find out when and how long your exam will be and if it is open, limited or closed book.
  • Be clear on what content you need to revise (which weeks, resources, and concepts). The learning outcomes in your modules can help clarify what you need to know.
  • Determine the number and types of exam questions: multiple-choice, short answer, essay, or other.

You can find this information in your course profile, learning materials or by asking your lecturer or tutor. 

Step 2: Prepare for your quiz, test, or exam.

  • Create a revision schedule, focusing on reviewing early and often using short sessions. It is a good idea to put a revision schedule together at the start of a course and aim to review each week's content at the end of the week.
  • Focus on understanding key concepts and use active study strategies such as completing revision questions or explaining the concept to a friend (or pet, wall or houseplant!).
  • Organise your course materials. It can be helpful to create short summaries of each module and a glossary for unfamiliar terms. 
  • Don't get caught up in small details. Focus on what is most important.

Step 3: Do your best on the day.

  • Manage your time carefully. One strategy is to allocate time to each question based on the number of points it is worth: avoid spending 10% of your time on a question worth 1% of your mark. 
  • Read the questions carefully and be familiar with the most common types of questions.
  • Double-check your work.


Try some of these quiz, test and exam preparation strategies.

  • Create a realistic calendar with scheduled revision times.
  • Organise your study area to minimize distractions.
  • Take high quality notes. 
  • Study with your classmates - this will help you fill in gaps in your understanding.
  • Use charts, diagrams or flash cards to organise information.
  • Develop your own revision questions, using the learning objectives as guides.
  • Use rhymes and mnemonics to assist recall. For example, to remember electron loss and gain in oxidation and reduction, the following may be easy to remember: OIL RIG - Oxidation Is Loss; Reduction Is Gain (of electrons). 

Tips for managing exam anxiety

  • Get a good night’s sleep, both while studying and the night before an exam.
  • Maintain good nutrition and avoid the excessive use of caffeine, as it can interfere with sleep and mimic symptoms of anxiety.
  • Get regular exercise. Vigorous exercise can help release endorphins and manage the physical symptoms associated with stress/anxiety.
  • Reframe your thinking: try reframing anxiety as excitement.
  • Take some time out each day to do something enjoyable and relaxing.
  • Talk regularly to a friend or family member about how you feel.
  • Identify unhelpful thoughts and try replacing them with more encouraging self-talk.

This short video (1:45 min) discusses a study from Harvard that suggests excitement may help you overcome your anxiety. 

Additional resources

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