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EndNote 21

Cite While You Write

Endnote integrates with Microsoft Word using the Cite While You Write (CWYW) feature. When Endnote is installed, a Word toolbar becomes available in the top tabs. Activate the dedicated Endnote toolbar tab as shown below. After creating an EndNote library, references can be inserted into the text of a Microsoft Word document, and a references list is automatically generated from the citations as you go. The format of the citations and references list depends on which bibliographic style is selected.

To add a citation and bibliography entry in Word from an Endnote reference:

  • Open EndNote and your Library
  • Open your Word document
  • In Word, select the EndNote 21 tab from the menu ribbon. This will display the Endnote tools.

NOTE: Endnote does not automatically integrate with any other word processing software, only MS Word.

Put your cursor next to the place you wish to put a citation. (NB: Leave a space before the full-stop if using an author-date style such as Harvard or APA so the in-text bracket will appear correctly spaced).

When you need to add a citation, click on Go to Endnote. Once in Endnote, highlight the required citation with one click.

Go to Insert Citation symbol on the Toolbar (see above)

A formatted reference to the citation will be displayed in the document and a References entry will be added to the end of the document.

Deleting or Editing a Citation

To delete a citation, use the Edit & Manage Citation(s) icon on Word’s Endnote 20 toolbar.

NEVER use the Delete or Backspace keys on the keyboard, or highlight and delete in Word. (This can corrupt your document).

Highlight the in-text citation (i.e. the author and year in an author-date style, or the number in a numbered style). Click on Edit & Manage Citation(s) button.

A dialogue box then appears (shown below).

This will display the citation in Endnote’s temporary citation format {first author, year, number of the reference} in your library.

Cick 'Edit Reference' and 'Remove Citation'. Endnote will remove the citation and reformat the list of references in your Word document. Save the changes!

You can also edit a citation in the same dialogue box under 'Edit citation' by changing the 'Formatting' option or adding a prefix, suffix or page number:

Preparing the Document for Publication

If you want to submit your paper for publication, you may need to remove all field codes, as they could interfere with the software used by the publisher (this is publisher dependent).If you are finishing a thesis, it is often easy to do last minute minor edits of references after removing field codes. To do this, click on 'Convert citations and Bibliography' and 'Convert to Plain Text'.

Save the new document under a new name, and send that version for publication. It is a new Word version that is now “unhooked” from Endnote.

Keep the original document which is still linked to Endnote, as it is the master copy which you will have to use if you wish to add or remove any references.

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