What is Torts Law?
Tort, definition
A civil right of action arising independently of contract, restitution, crime or equity. Torts serves to protect a person's interest in his or her bodily security, tangible property, financial resources, or reputation. Unlawful interference with one of these interests is redressable by an action for damages and potential interference may be prevented by injunction. The law of torts aims to restore the injured person to the position he or she was in before the tort was committed.
Concise Australian Legal Dictionary (LexisNexis, 4th ed, 2011)
Torts & Personal Injury Law (CCH Online) - Includes News, Commentary, Legislation and Cases
The Federal Register of Legislation - Australian government legislation and related documents.
LawNow Legislation (Lexis Advance) - Search or browse for legislation from all Australian jurisdictions. Includes links to cases.