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Torts A

For students enrolled in Torts A LAW201.

Halsbury's Laws of Australia - Encyclopaedia

Halsbury's Laws of Australia (Lexis Advance)

Tort Law - General principles of the law of Torts.  Introduction A ‘tort’ is a breach of a duty which has been imposed by law1 and which gives rise to a civil right of...

Torts derived from Trespass - The various torts derived from the action for trespass protect three distinct interests...

Nuisance - At common law, there are two separate torts of nuisance: private nuisance and...

Breach of Statutory Duty -  Whether a statutory duty has been breached may depend on the nature of...

Intentional Interference with Trade or Business - The tort of interference with contractual relations is committed where a person knowingly and...

Protection of the Administration of Justice - Some forms of abuse of judicial proceedings or legal processes ... 

Derivative rights of Action - If an employee is injured by the wrongful conduct of another .... 

Laws of Australia - Legal Encyclopaedia

Laws of Australia (Westlaw)

Tort and Contract - intention and related concepts; trespass; torts to chattels; economic torts; false imprisonment, malicious prosecution and abuse of process; miscellaneous torts

Negligence - duty of care; misstatements; nature of loss; particular defendants; particular plaintiff interests; breach of duty of care

Occupiers Liability - casuses of action; defences

Product Liability - contract; negligence; statutory liability of suppliers and manufacturers; misleading or deceptive conduct and unfair practices; product recall and safety standards

Breach of Statutory Duty - cause of action; defences

Strict Liability - animals; vicarious liability

Nuisance -Introduction; private nuisance; public nuisance; parties; defences; remedies

Trespass and Intentional Torts - intention and related concepts; trespass;torts to chattels; economic torts; false imprisonment, malicious prosecution and abuse of process; miscellaneous torts

Defences - intentional torts; negligence

Damages - types of damages; form and scope of damages; factors in assessment of damages; personal injury; loss of reputation; survival actions; interests in property; economic loss; equitable damages in tort; limitations on compensation; alternatives to damages

Concurrent Torts - classification of multiple tortfeasors; contribution


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