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Language and Literacies in Education

This guide provides pathways to a range of resources to inform your study of Language and Literacies in Education.

What is this guide about?

Your UniSC Library provides a range of resources to ensure that you have access to quality information to assist you in your studies. Use this guide to find policies and initiatives at the Federal and State levels as well as teaching and learning resources relevant to multiliteracies F-12. The guide provides a general overview to the range of resources available to you online and through the Library. Its scope covers the Early, Middle and Senior phases of school-based Education as identified by the Queensland Studies Authority. See also the Literature for the Classroom guide for quality fiction titles and strategies to develop language and literacy.

To learn how to search for information, see the How To Guides.

Use the tabs along the top to navigate through this guide.

EQ literacy reports

Register for Scootle

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Register for access to Scootle resources.

Scootle is the portal to in excess of 20,000 digital resources that are free for use in all Australian schools through the National Digital Learning Resources Network. The resources are made available to teachers through State and Territory portals or Scootle. Tertiary academics and pre-service teachers can now access resources through the Scootle portal. You must register. See below for instructions to fill fields in the registration form.

Scootle Registration Guide

Follow these steps to register for access to Scootle resources.

Starting an Assessment

Before searching for information, make sure you understand the task.

1. Analyse the task to identify keywords and topics, then develop a search strategy

Look up
2. Find the meaning of words in a textbook or dictionary

3. Find academic books to broaden your knowledge of key concepts and terminology

4. Find academic journal articles and current research

5. Save the citation of any source you plan to use
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