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Online sources - APA7 Style: Introduction

Website Page


Name of Group. (Year, Month Date). Title of work. Site Name. http://xxxxx

If citing multiple pages from a website, create reference for each page cited. Omit site name if site name is the sane as author or group.

References - example

Beyond Blue. (2020). Sleeping well 

In-text - example

Parenthetical citations: ... (Beyond Blue, 2020).
Narrative citations: Beyond Blue (2020) ...



Name of Group. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. Site Name. http://xxxxx

References - example

Department of Health. (2021, June 14). COVID-19 vaccines. Australian Government.

In-text - example First citation:
Parenthetical citations: ... (Department of Health, 2021)
Narrative citations: Department of Health (2021) ...


If citing multiple pages from a website, create reference for each page cited.

Omit the site name in the reference list if site name is the same as author or group.


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. Site Name. http://xxxx

References - example

Sharman, R. (2015, October 6). Children learn from stress and failure: All the more reason you shouldn’t do their homework. The Conversation.

In-text - example

First citation:
Parenthetical citations: ... (Sharman, 2015).
Narrative citations: Sharman (2015) ...


  • Use only if no parent or overarching publication, for example report, journal, infographic or blog, can be found.
  • If citing multiple pages from a website, create a reference for each page cited.
  • Omit site name if it is the same as author or group.


Name of Group. (n.d.). Title of work. Site Name. http://xxxxxx

References - example

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.). Senior secondary curriculum: Mathematical methods. https://www.australian

In-text - example First citation:
Parenthetical citations: ... (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], n.d.).
Narrative citations:
  Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA, n.d.) ...
In-text - example Subsequent citations:
Parenthetical citations: ... (ACARA, n.d.).
Narrative citations: ACARA (n.d.) ...



Images and graphs are referred to as figures in APA style. Figures and tables have the same overall setup.

See the USC referencing images page for examples. To reference images from other types of sources, see UQ’s APA guide.

APA Style - Webpage on a Website References

Section 10.16 of the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition" (American Psychological Association, 2020, pp. 350-352)


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