The World Health Organisation defines Knowledge Translation (KT) as: “The synthesis, exchange, and application of knowledge by relevant stakeholders to accelerate the benefits of global and local innovation in strengthening health systems and improving people’s health.” (
Knowledge Translation can mean different things to different people and can be applied across various discipline areas. Fundamentally it is about putting research knowledge into practice. It provides an opportunity for end-users to be consulted and involved in the research process from the beginning ensuring the outcomes are relevant to their needs and can be applied in a meaningful and practical way in the shortest possible time.
Knowledge Translation Australia provides this succinct definition: “getting the right information, to the right people, at the right time, and in a format they can use, so as to influence decision making” (
Knowledge Translation can also be known as:
Sudsawad (2007) summarizes the characteristics of KT as the following:
KT includes all steps between the creation of new knowledge and its application
KT needs multidirectional communications
KT is an interactive process
KT requires ongoing collaborations among relevant parties
KT includes multiple activities
KT is a nonlinear process
KT emphasizes the use of research- generated knowledge ( that may be used in conjunction with other types of knowledge)
KT involves diverse knowledge-user groups
KT is user and context-specific
KT is impact -orientated
KT is an interdisciplinary process
identification of key messages for different target audiences
Accuracy and relevance
knowledge organisation
Azimi, A., Fattahi, R., & Asadi-Lari, M. 2015, Knowledge translation status and barriers, Journal of the Medical Library Association. 103 (2) 96-99.
Engaged Scholarship –making the link between practice and theory.
Barge & Shockley-Zalabak (2008) define engaged scholarship "as a form of collaborative inquiry between academics and practitioners that leverages their different perspective to generate useful organizational knowledge", it "also evokes a different kind of working relationship with stakeholders that is aimed at developing theoretical and practical knowledge". Bowen & Graham (2013) add that "It's based on the belief that high quality, more relevant search results from true collaboration and from integrating the diverse perspectives of multiple stakeholders"
5 strategies (Van de Ven and Johnson 2006)
Key components: (Van de Ven and Johnson 2006)
Further assumptions (Meynes, G. 2018 Teaching Resource1_EI From Engagement to Impact):
recognises that other kinds of evidence, besides research, can support decision making
Knowledge Exchange
“If research is to be used, it must answer important questions of concern to knowledge users, and it must be integrated with contextual evidence in order to become actionable in a specific setting. this can only be accomplished if there is genuine participation of knowledge users from the beginning of the research process.” (Bowen & Graham, 2013 p.57)
Research Impact Academy – Tamika Heiden -
Impact Toolkit – Economic and Social Research Council – UK -
Knowedge Management toolkit:
Azimi, A., Fattahi, R., & Asadi-Lari, M. 2015, Knowledge translation status and barriers, Journal of the Medical Library Association. 103 (2) 96-99.
Sudsawad, P. (2007). Knowledge translation: Introduction to models, strategies, and measures. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research.
Barge, JK & Shockley-Zalabak, P. 2008 Engaged Scholarship and the creation of useful organizational knowledge, Journal of Applied Communication REsearch, 36(3), 251-265, DOI: 10.1080/00909880802172277
Bowen, SJ. & Graham, ID. 2013 From knowledge translation to engaged scholarship, promoting research relevance and utilization, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 94 (1 supplement) S3-S8.
Judith K. Shawcross & Tom W. Ridgman (2017) Linking practice and theory using Engaged Scholarship, European Journal of Engineering Education, DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2017.1405239
Van de Ven, AH., & Johnson, PE., 2006 Knowledge for theory and practice, Academy of Management Review 31(4) 802-821