Introduction; Particular Jurisdictional Issues; Original Jurisdiction in Family Law Matters; Appellate Jurisdiction in Family Law Matters; Commonwealth Jurisdiction in De Facto Matters
Introduction; Definition and Formalities of Marriage in Australia; Procedural and Jurisdictional Aspects of Nullity; Grounds of Nullity of Marriage
Introduction; Historical Development; Procedural and Jurisdictional Requirements; Ground of Separation; Additional Requirements; Decree of Dissolution; Declaration of Validity of Divorce
Introduction; Domestic Violence As Social Phenomenon; Criminal Law Provisions Applicable to Domestic Violence; Injunctions; Protection Orders; Overview
Status of Children & Parental Rights & Responsibilities
Introduction; Presumptions as to Parentage; Determining Parentage and Parentage Testing; Parentage in Artificial Reproduction and Surrogacy Cases; Parental Responsibilities; Rights of Child; Jurisdiction in Respect of Children
Introduction; Objectives and Principles Expressed in Child Welfare Laws; Defining Grounds for Protective Intervention; Children in Need of Care and Protection: Notification, Assessment and Emergency Action; Non-coercive Arrangements for Children in Need of Care and Protection; Children in Need of Care and Protection: Jurisdiction and Procedure; Court Proceedings for Children in Need of Care and Protection; Appeals and Review
Introduction; Development of Law; Administrative Assessment of Child Support; Formula Assessments; Administrative Alterations to Formula Assessments; Departure from Child Support Assessment; Lump Sum and Substitution Orders; Child Support Agreements; Objections; Jurisdiction of Courts; Collection by Child Support Agency; Collection of Child Support; Payment to Payee by Child Support Agency; Review of Child Support Agency Decisions
Maintenance in Marital and De Facto Relationships
Introduction; Support Obligation Arising from Marriage; Spousal Maintenance, Property Division and Child Support; Jurisdictional Matters; Exercise of Court's Discretionary Power; Consequential Matters; Enforcement of Spousal Maintenance; Maintenance for De Facto Partners under Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)
Introduction; Meaning of Property; Jurisdiction over Property Proceedings between Married Couples; Declaration of Property Interests
Family law deals with the rights and obligations arising from marriage, informal relationships resembling marriage and relationships...
The Family Court of Australia (the ‘Court’) is a superior court of record created by the Federal Parliament...
A promise by a married person to marry someone who knows that the promisor is already married, is void, unless the promise is made between the divorce and the date the order takes effect upon the promisor’s marriage...
References in the (CTH) Family Law Act 1975 to a ‘child’ generally describe the relationship between persons rather than their age...
Although ecclesiastical courts in England had never been prepared to give effect to agreements between husband and wife providing for separation, the common law courts by the latter part of the nineteenth century were willing to recognise and enforce such agreements in some circumstances...
Prior to the (CTH) Family Law Act 1975, the (CTH) Matrimonial Causes Act 1959 (repealed) extended to matrimonial disputes between spouses...