The main series of specialist criminal law reports in Australia include:
Authorised Reports
To ascertain whether your case is in an authorised report, check the case name in LexisNexis on the Cases tab.
To find subsequent consideration of a particular case, use citators such as CaseBase (Lexis Advance) and Firstpoint (Westlaw).
AustLII (Australian Legal Information Institute) contains full-text unreported cases from most Australian courts and tribunals.
TIP: AustLII has more recent decisions than are available on the court websites; however the pdfs of the cases on the court websites are the ‘official’ certified copy of the unreported decisions.
High Court of Australia 1903 +: This database contains all officially reported decisions (in the Commonwealth Law Reports) since the Court's inception in 1903 and all pamphleted decisions (reported or otherwise) since 1998. It also includes some other reported and unreported decisions.
The High Court website also provides very useful Judgment Summaries and High Court Bulletins, with the judgments frequently published the same day. The judgments link takes you to full text of the unreported judgments in AustLII.
Use the following to find journal articles on cases:
AGIS – type the casename into the searchbox and select the Legal Cases field
AustLII – Journals
CaseBase – Lexis Advance
WestLaw AU – Journals