Criminal law is the rules of statute and common law which direct that certain actions are punishable by the state. Each Australian jurisdiction has a body of criminal law. In some Australian jurisdictions the criminal law, or a defined part of it, is governed by a statutory code. Generally offences of a regulatory nature, such as parking offences and minor traffic offences are not considered to be part of the criminal law.
Criminology is the study of the causes, prevention, and correction of criminal behaviour.
(Edited from the Encyclopaedic Australian Legal Dictionary)
Current bills (those currently before parliament) are listed on the Australian Parliament House website.
The Federal Register of Legislation is an Australian government site that provides online copies of Commonwealth legislation and related documents.
The most up to date versions/compilations of Queensland Acts are on the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel website. This is the official source of Queensland legislation The Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (OQPC) is responsible for drafting all Queensland Acts, and subordinate legislation made under Queensland Acts.
Lexis Advance: Go to cases, and use the 'words and phrases judicially considered' field.
WestLaw AU: Go to Legislation and commentary and use the "practice" field.
OzCase - Queensland Historical Legal Collection contains various accounts of the history of the Queensland Criminal Code.