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Find an article from a citation

If you have the reference/citation of a journal article, follow the steps shown for this example:

Segal, MN & Giacobbe, RW 2007, 'Ethical Issues in Australian marketing research services', Services Marketing Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 33-53.

  1. Identify
    • the journal title - Services Marketing Quarterly
    • the article title - 'Ethical Issues in Australian marketing research services'
    • the year of publication - 2007
    • the volume - vol. 28
    • the issue - no. 3
    • the pages - pp. 33-35
  2. On the library website, select Journal Title Search
  3. Type the journal title in the search field and search
  4. Find the journal and select Check for availability
  5. Select the database that has the year of publication
    • Click on the database link. This takes you to journal
  6. In the database, select the year of publication
    • Identify the volume and the issue number
    • Click on the appropriate issue
  7. Select the article title - 'Ethical Issues in Australian marketing research services'
    • Browse to the correct page numbers OR
    • Use the Search within current journal to search for the article title
    • If you see Article Linker, follow the link to the full text of the article
  8. Save or print the article
    • Download the full text (pdf version)


What is a DOI?

DOI (Digital Object Identifier):

  • A permanent internet address for a journal article etc
  • Not used by all journals
  • When used it is found
    • on the first page of the article
      DOI example
    • sometimes in a citation. Eg APA:

Bugg, J. M., DeLosh, E. L., & McDaniel, M. A. (2008). Improving students' study habits by demonstrating the mnemonic benefits of semantic processing. Teaching of Psychology, 35(2), 96-98. doi: 10.1080/00986280801977519

List of high quality journals

The Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality list ranks journals A*, A, B, and C.


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