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Introduction to Business

For first year Business

Sources for different purposes

What do you need? Where to find it

Quick facts

An event date

Opening hours for a company

Mathematical problems

1. Google

Definition of a word

Meaning of a word

How it can be used

Other words that mean the same thing

1. Dictionary

2. Thesaurus

Background information

Background of a topic

Historical facts

Broad view of a topic


1. Encyclopaedia

2. Textbooks

In-depth topic review

History of the topic

Changes and major developments

Theories and approaches

1. Textbooks


Demographic information

Company information

Geographic information

Sales information

1. Australian Bureau of Statistics

2. Statistics

3. Company databases

4. Market databases

Recent research

New developments

Review of past research

Analysis of research and what it means

1. Journal articles

2. Literature reviews

3. Research papers

Legal information



1. Law databases

2. Law Subject Guides

Starting an Assessment

Before searching for information, make sure you understand the task.

1. Analyse the task to identify keywords and topics, then develop a search strategy

Look up
2. Find the meaning of words in a textbook or dictionary

3. Find academic books to broaden your knowledge of key concepts and terminology

4. Find academic journal articles and current research

5. Save the citation of any source you plan to use

Assignment Calculator

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