The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is committed to empowering all Australians to have safer, more positive experiences online. The Office was established in 2015 with a mandate to coordinate and lead the online safety efforts across government, industry and the not-for profit community.
Includes classroom resources from previous Cybersmart website.
Source: website
The Australian Human Rights Commission promotes and provides education and training which seeks to build a universal culture of human rights. Source:
My School is a resource for parents, educators and the community to give readily accessible information about each of Australia’s just over 10,000 schools and campuses. Source: My School website
Queensland Government website providing information about the Blue Card for working with children and the application process. Source: Queensland Government
Curriculum Connect is State Library of Queensland’s new dedicated teaching and learning website. It forms part of State Library’s commitment to providing accessible and inclusive collections and services, including digital access and experiences for all Queenslanders.
A guide to critical analysing texts is included on UoW's Uni Learning site. The advice here will be useful in analysing academic writing and other documents. The site also links to further resources on critical thinking and writing.