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Research skills tutorial

4.1 Finding resources from a reading list or in Course Readings

An accurate reference, whether on a list of readings or references, will help you find that source of information.

Information on a reading list or list of references will follow the same general referencing format.  This includes information about the author, date of publication, title, publisher and place of publication.  Here are examples of different sources:

A book

A book chapter

To look up a book chapter on the library catalogue, search for the title of the book, not the title of the chapter.

A journal article

To find whether an article is available through the library, search for the title of the journal, not the title of the article.

Where to find these sources at the library

Depending on the type of publication you will need to use different search engines to find it.  This table will help you work out where to look.

What do you want to find?



Journal Titles

Course Readings
A book or eBook Search the library catalogue Search the library catalogue   Visit Course Readings
A journal article   Search the library catalogue Search Journals and Newspapers A-Z for the Journal title Visit Course Readings
A book chapter Search the library catalogue     Visit Course Readings
An online video Search the library catalogue Search the library catalogue   Visit Course Readings


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